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(Oral suspension)


Restore the gastrointestinal health and solve any GIT disturbances Dianob® is a gastrointestinal therapeutic formula used for infective GIT disturbances to keep the intestinal functions and act against different pathological microorganisms.

Product benefits:

Antispasmodic and anticholinergic agent that relaxes the smooth muscle of the GIT. Firms up the animal's stool in case of mild to moderate and non-infectious diarrhea. Promotes the tissue healing process induced by the inflammatory reactions. Stimulates the colonic epithelial growth and thus reduces diarrhea. Maintains and restores the loss of essential elements during diarrhea. Effective against Gram +ve and Gram-ve microorganisms. Prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestinal flora. Plays a key role in many metabolic processes and acts as a metabolism regulator. Source of energy that supports the liver and kidney functions. Bad breath odour prevention as it helps in ammonia excretion. It is also effective against Gram- positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

Mechanism of actions:

Sulfadimidine is highly effective against a wide range of bacteria and protozoa. It prevents bacterial purine synthesis, resulting blockade is accomplished and also particularly used in cases of Septicemia, Pneumonia, and digestive problems caused by Salmonella, Pasteurelia, and Coliform spp. Sulphadiazine is a drug of choice for diarrhea and urinary tract infections. In the gut, sulphadiazine is broken down by the normal gut bacteria into two parts: sulphonamide antibiotic which kills harmful bacteria; and the second one acts to reduce the process driving inflammation as well as helping to control the overactive immune systern. - Hyoscine butylbromide is an antispasmodic and anticholinergic drug that relaxes the smooth muscle of the Gl tract - Kaolin is used in many probiotic supplements for dogs and cats to help firm up their stools, in case of mild to moderate or non-infectious diarrhea. - Pectin, a water-soluble fiber, stimulates epithelial growth in the colon and thus reduces diarrhea. Dandelion greens also have medicinal properties and have been used to improve liver function, as a digestive aid, and as a mild diuretic. D Minerals restore blood balance after severe diarrhoea. They also regulate the blood acidity range in aciduria cases. Sodium and potassium chloride to maintain and restore the loss of essential elements during diarrhea. Sorbitol is an essential energy source and keeps the liver and kidneys functioning.

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Gutnob® is a natural innovative digestive blend made from a combination of plant-derived components. It provides pets with necessary digestive enzymes that are normally destroyed during canned and dry food processing. Drug of choice in poor digestive health in dogs and cats include bad breath, excessive stool, diarrhea, hairballs, extra shedding, itching or allergic reactions.

Product benefits:

Counteract the diarrheal complications and side effects. Fast aid in gastrointestinal injuries to stabilize the intestinal wall integrity. Activates GIT humoral immunity to protect it from pathological microorganism invasion. Improves intestinal architecture and nutritional absorption, resulting in improved performance. -Interfere with the microbial adherence and invasion of the gut wall. - Replacement of damaged digestive epithelial cells due to severe bacterial or viral infections. Hence, increasing feed intake and body weight gain. Offer a healthy mucosal environment to grow the beneficial bacteria perfectly. - Lowering the gut pH and offering an unfavorable environment for pathogenic bacterial growth. Alds in preventing subclinical gastrointestinal illness by suppressing the pathogens' lood. Promotes the growth of healthy and functional microflora. Enhance digestive enzymes secretion, which helps in nutrient absorption. - Controls lipid metabolism to lower circulating cholesterol levels.

Mechanism of actions:

- Amylase enzyme assists digestion by hydrolyzing the complexed carbohydrates into easily absorbed nutrients. Lipase is used to break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Probiotics can improve the growth of intestinal beneficial microbiota and support the production of antimicrobial substances which compete with pathogenic bacteria ultimately improving general gut health. It is also a rich source of beta-glucan, MOS and FOS which acts as a growth promotor, immune stimulant and biological preventive for immune suppressants. -Dietary amino acids and Vitamins are involved in protein synthesis, tissue repair, and nutrient absorption. And considered as a major fuel for the small intestine mucosa functions. This essential amino acid plays a key role in producing energy and keeping your pet playful - Taurine is a critical component that regulates the general blood flow throughout the pet's body, which ensures healthy gut tissue. Carnitine supports several important functions in your dog's body, including heart, brain, and muscle functions. -Phenylalanine and lysine, found in balanced pet food, help pets to build and maintain muscles, bones, blood, organs, skin and coat. Adult dogs and cats need essential amino acids to support their body system vitality. - Echinacea extract has long been prized for its potential ability to naturally support digestion. It may act as a pain killer to relieve the gastrointestinal tract cramps and help the digesta to move along smoothly. In addition, it boosts the body's immune system to face any bacterial invasion. Chicory roots; as part of their prebiotic effect, bone support and effect on digestive health, chicory root fibers facilitate the calcium and mineral absorption process in dogs. Dandelion root is marked as a rich source of the prebiotic fiber inulin, which has a noticeable impact on preventing constipation and facilitating food movement through the digestive tract.

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(Oral Solution)


Well-blended formula of multivitamins and elements to get optimum requirement with additional effects This daily supplement supports your pet's general health and vitality. Formulated to help in energy level regulation, support joint motion, and improve skin and coat health. This nutrient-dense formula is made with high-quality ingredients to ensure complete palatability and digestibility.

Product benefits:

Powerful formula supporting the healthy growth of a dog's nails and coat. - Inhibits bacterial multiplication and its consequences on breath odour. It improves activity and vitality, especially in old dogs. - Boosts the immune system functions to help in disease resistance. Rich in amino acids that prevent its deficiency symptoms.

Mechanism of action:

- Vitamins and minerals supplements are essential to keep your pet's skin and coat vital, strengthen bones and teeth, and provide full energy to support brain, heart, kidney, eyes, and liver functions and health. Amino acids and Vitamins are also involved in protein synthesis, tissue repair, and nutrient absorption. Dietary amino acids are the major fuel of the small intestinal mucosa. systems. Adult dogs and cats require essential amino acids and vitamins source to support healthy body - The main functions of minerals include bone development, nerves and muscles chemical transmission, balancing of cellular fluids, thyroid functions, skin and coat maintenance, and RBCS synthesis. Silymarin or milk thistle is a nutritional detoxifier used to treat various liver conditions in cats and dogs. Sorbitol is a sugar substitute that acts as a source of energy.

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(Oral syrup)


Livanob is designed with a key blend of herbal ingredients, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants specialized to protect and regenerate the liver cells, prevent fatty liver incidence, and promote general liver health.

Product benefits:

Ideal for liver function support in case of elevated liver enzymes, fatty liver, and liver insufficiency. Boosted the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas and liver, specifically trypsin, amylase, and bile. Increasing the circulatory antioxidant defense against oxidative stress Detoxification of harmful toxins that are generated from nutritional wastes. Play a significant role in amino acids metabolism. Supports the lipid metabolism system by enhancing the action of hepatic enzymes Favorably change the microbial community to sustain gut health and increase the depth and length of intestinal villi. - Maintain a healthy liver for older pets. Useful after disease recovery or prolonged medication that may stress the liver. improves animal organs vitality and prevents the stress consequences.

Mechanism of action:

-Silymarin is derived from flavonoids that help repair damaged liver cells and support the production of new liver cells. Artichoke or Cynarine helps to protect or heal the damaged liver cells. Glycyrrhizinic acid is reported as an anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-allergic, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, and hepatoprotective. -Turmeric extract (Curcumin) supports many functions of the animal's body including joints, liver, and digestive tract. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. - Dandelion roots support the production of hepatic enzymes that metabolize toxins in the body to be excreted. In addition, it supports the gut by providing an inulin prebiotic that maintains a healthy gut flora, essential for better digestion and immunity. - Dexamethasone is mostly used in shock treatment related to vigorous infections or endotoxins rush. -N-acetyl cysteine plays a role in kidney and liver detoxification. Hence, it helps to counteract the potential side effects of administrated drugs and environmental factors (such as exposure to heavy metals that may impact these organs). - Vitamin B complex helps to create reverse symptoms of various liver diseases. Amino acids are considered a promising strategy for preventing and treating liver disease. Vitamin E acts as a 'scavenger of oxidative stress products, which play a major role in the pathogenesis of diseases. - Vitamin K plays a critical role in the detoxification of xenobiotics and metabolism of bile acids.

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(Topical Spray)


Enriched formula for atopic dermatitis, eczema, keratitis, hair loss, and ringworm. It contains bactericidal antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal agents, which act as a broad-spectrum formula against a wide range of pathogens causing skin affection in pet animals. In addition, it promotes healing and restores skin health without harsh chemicals.

Product benefits:

Ideal for alleviating itching, redness, and irritation caused by different allergins. Best drug of choice in topic dermatitis, eczema, keratitis, hair loss, and ringworm. Provide immediate itching relief and promote healthy skin regeneration. Enhance antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-protozoal properties. Repair the damaged skin barriers and prohibit environmental allergens (such as pollens and mites) Acting as a soothing agent helps in skin moisture retention. Accelerates the dermal healing process.

Mechanism of actions:

Dexamethasone is a potent steroidal anti-inflammatory agent used in the treatment of skin affections where the itch is too unbearable for a dog to tolerate. Besides, it helps relieve swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. - Salicylic acid belongs to the Salicylates class. It may work by helping the skin shedding of dead cells from the external layer and by decreasing redness and swelling. Hence, minimize the formed pimples. Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that works against a wide bacterial range. Miconazole is FDA approved topical antifungal for pet usage to treat different fungal infections. Biotin is an essential element that plays a major role in repairing damaged skin and hair. Zinc is considered a necessary agent for skin and fur nourishment. Vitamin E is commonly used to enhance general skin condition, and effective in Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD). - Lysine and methionine are working to retain skin moisture.

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