Gutnob® is a natural innovative digestive blend made from a combination of plant-derived components. It provides pets with necessary digestive enzymes that are normally destroyed during canned and dry food processing. Drug of choice in poor digestive health in dogs and cats include bad breath, excessive stool, diarrhea, hairballs, extra shedding, itching or allergic reactions.
Product benefits:
Counteract the diarrheal complications and side effects.
Fast aid in gastrointestinal injuries to stabilize the intestinal wall integrity.
Activates GIT humoral immunity to protect it from pathological microorganism invasion. Improves intestinal architecture and nutritional absorption, resulting in improved performance.
-Interfere with the microbial adherence and invasion of the gut wall.
- Replacement of damaged digestive epithelial cells due to severe bacterial or viral infections. Hence, increasing feed intake and body weight gain.
Offer a healthy mucosal environment to grow the beneficial bacteria perfectly.
- Lowering the gut pH and offering an unfavorable environment for pathogenic bacterial growth.
Alds in preventing subclinical gastrointestinal illness by suppressing the pathogens' lood.
Promotes the growth of healthy and functional microflora.
Enhance digestive enzymes secretion, which helps in nutrient absorption. - Controls lipid metabolism to lower circulating cholesterol levels.
Mechanism of actions:
- Amylase enzyme assists digestion by hydrolyzing the complexed carbohydrates into easily absorbed nutrients.
Lipase is used to break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
Probiotics can improve the growth of intestinal beneficial microbiota and support the production of antimicrobial substances which compete with pathogenic bacteria ultimately improving general gut health. It is also a rich source of beta-glucan, MOS and FOS which acts as a growth promotor, immune stimulant and biological preventive for immune suppressants.
-Dietary amino acids and Vitamins are involved in protein synthesis, tissue repair, and nutrient absorption. And considered as a major fuel for the small intestine mucosa functions.
This essential amino acid plays a key role in producing energy and keeping your pet playful
- Taurine is a critical component that regulates the general blood flow throughout the pet's body, which ensures healthy gut tissue.
Carnitine supports several important functions in your dog's body, including heart, brain, and muscle functions.
-Phenylalanine and lysine, found in balanced pet food, help pets to build and maintain muscles, bones, blood, organs, skin and coat. Adult dogs and cats need essential amino acids to support their body
system vitality. - Echinacea extract has long been prized for its potential ability to naturally support digestion. It may act as a pain killer to relieve the gastrointestinal tract cramps and help the digesta to move along smoothly.
In addition, it boosts the body's immune system to face any bacterial invasion. Chicory roots; as part of their prebiotic effect, bone support and effect on digestive health, chicory root fibers facilitate the calcium and mineral absorption process in dogs.
Dandelion root is marked as a rich source of the prebiotic fiber inulin, which has a noticeable impact on preventing constipation and facilitating food movement through the digestive tract.